Chugoku Kenpo (Chinese, Fist Methods)
Chugoku Kenpo comprises yet another section of the Kokusai Jujutsu Renmei curriculum. Why are Chinese martial arts being included in a Japanese system?

Sato Sensei's dedication was so great that after returning to Japan, he maintained contact and even brought his Chugoku Kenpo masters to Japan on several occasions. Li Zu Ming Sensei and Wang Shu Jin Sensei were both brought over to teach in the "land of the rising sun." Master Wang actually stayed for several years. Because of his unwavering dedication, Sato Kinbei Sensei was eventually awarded the next generation grandmastership (the first non-Chinese person to do so).
After training for many years, Tanemura Sensei received the 5th generation grandmastership directly from both Sato Denjin (headmaster) and Li Zu Ming. Tanemura Sensei has been teaching the art's various exercises and forms since 1991 and has finally organized a step-by-step curriculum for students of all skill levels. Tanemura Sensei's teaching include: Hakkesho (Ba Gua), Kiko (Imperial Qi Gong), Kinnajutsu (Chin-na), as well as many other internal martial art secrets from both Chinese and Japanese traditions.
Chugoku Kenpo - Syllabus
For more information in English language go to www.genbukan.org